Chef At: Acquada*

Porlezza (CO), Italy
Sara Preceruti, born in 1983, from Castello d'Agogna, a small, characteristic town in the Lomellina area (Lombardia region). For several years she worked at La Locanda del Notaio in Pellio Intelvi, in the province of Como. She obtained her first Michelin Star at only 28 years of age thanks to a cuisine that enhances simple ingredients and interesting combinations, especially between sweet and savoury. In 2013 she won the Best Female Chef award from the "Identità Golose" guide, consolidating her Michelin Star. In 2015 she was among the twelve young chefs selected by chef Carlo Cracco as the protagonists of the events held at the former Convento dell'Annunciata in Abbiategrasso (Milan) in collaboration with the Ambasciata del Gusto. Her imprint speaks of courage and creativity. She loves to be daring in her combinations of flavours, temperatures and textures. Of sweet and savoury. She plays in the kitchen, to make the palate experience exciting journeys and to make her own identity known. Courage is also evident in her decision to close her Acquada restaurant in Porlezza, in the province of Como, to open the same restaurant in Milan. In the most difficult moment of the restaurant business, at the beginning of 2020, before the pandemic. A choice dictated by the desire to express herself without limits, to bring the fire that burns inside her to her dishes. Milan is the right city, it has a huge pool of potential customers, especially ready to discover her eccentric menu.